
Dum spiro spero
Dum spiro spero

dum spiro spero


Over and teach them how to do whatever she was into at the moment. She would have craft parties and invite friends

dum spiro spero

The 70’s and needlepoint in the 80’s and floral arranging in the 90’s. She quilted, attempted knitting but didn’t There wasn’t a craft that mom couldn’t do. What color they were and attached it to every decorated jar. Of candy had a signature color and she always made a list of the flavors and On the hot candy mixture when she poured it into the powdered sugar filledĪlso gave jars away as gifts to her doctors, friends, people she knew at the Is in Jim’s pocket each time I pass Carolina Memorial Gardens… How I wish I had it!! Another thing she made every year was rockĪlthough the house smelled heavenly because she made upwards of 30 differentįlavors during the holidays I hated helping because I always burned my fingers I still think about that recipe and where it Wrote it down on a recipe card and slipped it into his pocket at his wake. Was always after mom for her meatball recipe but she would never give it to My friends loved coming over for dinner because she usually cooked everyĭay and was especially known for her lasagna and meatballs which were Sure I wasn’t throwing away any important pieces of paper so I had to look atĮvery damn one of them which took days. Though she had a ton of cookbooks and clipped recipes from magazines and newspapersĬonstantly – I found hundreds of clippings when I was going through her things Mom was an amazing cook and I never saw her use a recipe

Dum spiro spero